Jason and Katie Martin found out they were pregnant in February 2021. Katie is 35 years old and had high blood pressure with previous 2 pregnancies . So, with the care of her regular OBGYN, she was under the care of a perinatal physician (high risk doctor) as well. Everything seemed normal, no problems with anatomy and genetic testing was normal. They found out they were having a baby girl.
On July 12, Katie was working on the baby's room and doing the routine cleaning and cooking, she started having what she thought were braxton hicks. She timed them and they were 3-4 minutes apart and constant. So the couple processed to the emergency room at Willis Knighton in Bossier, which was an hour and a half from where they live. After arriving around 10 pm, the doctor tested Katie for the protein to see if she was in active labor and it came back positive. They started her on magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions. The next morning the doctor said everything was looking good, contractions were slowing down and Katie would most likely go home on medication and be on bed rest. Around 11 am, the contractions started getting stronger and more persistent again. The nurse checked her cervix and she had dilated to 3 cm. The doctor came in and there was nothing else he could do and because the baby was breeched, he performed an emergency c-section. At 1:51 pm on July 13, Georgia Love Martin was born. She weighed 2 lb 14 oz and 15 inches long.
The newborn intensive care unit at Willis Knighton South was there to care for Georgia and was then transported to Shreveport. She was immediately placed on a ventilator. Georgia suffered from a PDA (hole in her heart) and had blood in her lungs. As a side effect from the medicine Katie was given to stop the contractions, Georgia's digestive system wasn't functioning. She also had bacteria in her bloodstream and was placed on multiple antibiotics.
Georgia is now 7 weeks old and is an absolute miracle! She is thriving daily in the NICU by the prayers of her family, friends and community. Jason, Katie and Georgia's 2 sisters have been staying at an apartment located by the hospital. As this family is mercifully blessed and to have God arrange this convenient place for her family, it is financially stressful.